Protecting Your Family From Sex Offenders

In order to best protect your family, Famster offers a way to find out if there are any registered sex offenders in your area, with pictures and locations for each.

Searching for Sex Offenders in Your Area
  1. Click Admin
  2. Click Registered Sex Offenders
  3. Click the icon in the upper right.
  4. Choose to search by Zip Code or Complete Address.
  5. Enter the required information, check the box, and click Okay.
  6. A new window will load with a map of your search area, and the locations of each Registered Sex Offender in that area.
Requesting E-mail Alerts for New Offenders
  1. Click Admin
  2. Click Registered Sex Offenders
  3. Click Add E-mail Alert
  4. Fill out your Name, and the E-mail you would like the alert sent to
  5. Enter the required location information, then click Add
  6. Repeat the previous step for each location you would like an alert for
  7. Click Save.